Online Business Press Release Writing Tips And Ideas

Online Business Press Release Writing Tips And Ideas

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Press releases are one of the most cost-effective ways to get promotion for your online business. Many entrepreneurs ignore this type of promotion because they don't know how to write a press release. It's important to promote your online business with press releases because of the media all over the internet. The following is a list of some common press release writing tips:

  • - your press release should sound like news, not an ad

  • - you should only send your press release to the media related to the topic of your press release

  • - keep your press release one page in length

  • - your header, contact information and release date should be at the top of your press release

  • - use short sentences and double space in between sentences

  • - your header and first few sentences should capture the readers attention

  • - you should tell a story and briefly mention your business, product or service in the body of the press release

  • - proofread your press release many times. Look for grammar and spelling mistakes.

Another reason entrepreneurs ignore promoting their online business with press releases is because they don't know what's newsworthy. Here are 16 online business press release ideas:

  • - new products or services you're offering on your web site.

  • - the results of an online survey or poll you've completed

  • - a virtual trade show or seminar you're hosting.

  • - a free chat room class you're teaching

  • - your opening of a new web site

  • - an online award your business or web site has won

  • - a free e-mail newsletter you're publishing

  • - new online products or services you're giving away

  • - an online business association or club you're starting

  • - a famous person that's endorsing your business

  • - a major joint venture you're doing with another business

  • - a new book or e-book you wrote

  • - an expert or celebrity who's speaking in your chat room

  • - a fundraising event you're doing at your web site

  • - a new contest or sweepstakes you're having at your site

  • - major sponsorships you're doing online

You can get other press release writing tips and ideas by reading other businesses press releases, reading how to publications, talking to experts and visiting other media web sites. I hope this article persuades and helps you to promote your business through press releases.

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