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..What's The Straight Scoop On MLM Leads Programs?....

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..What's The Straight Scoop On MLM Leads Programs?...

My friend Tony Rush has a great persepective on what goes in to being successful with leads. With success likely measured by whether you enroll someone... or your primary business.

First & foremost understand that "you" are the key variable in that success. Per Tony (thanks buddy) the list of factors could include:

-- your method of contact -- your copywriting abilities -- your phone skills -- your company -- your product -- your pay plan -- the investment -- your confidence -- their confidence in you -- your ability to create relationships -- your follow-up -- and a million other things. 

Bluntly....understand that quality leads are just one component. The rest....quite in your hands. DON'T FORGET THIS FACT!!

I've tried leads from most of the current leads programs....for my money (literally) I've stuck with one company (I won't tell you who here because that would smack of self serving advertising.) Just seemed to have the best combination of leads, system, and training for me personally. The others were too expensive, performed poorly, or both. You're and others experience/opinion may differ of course. And therein lies the first personal decision you must make, which company do I choose?

Each leads company has pros & cons that will be specific to your own preferences. Kinda hard to extrapolate to "you". Has to be your own decision based on your criteria....obviously.

I do suggest....if you haven't listen in on any info calls each company offers that you can (if they have them). That should be a benchmark of any decision to join a leads company....and an ingrained habit of every Networker interested in utilizing a leads program.

A little tip for those looking into a leads program....invite a few folks you trust from your organization to listen with you (upline, sideline, downline leaders). Each of you will "hear" something the others don't. You can compare notes afterward and make the best decision for you as a group. Afterall you will have the best success as a group rather than an individual. So decide as a group. Buy in is easier then too. Which means sustained joint effort leading to the organizational growth and momentum you're all looking for together. That's the best way to implement a leads program.....and exactly how the good ones are designed to work. Join together.

Now remember that what you offer and how you offer it are key variables to success with leads programs (see above list). The what is up to you (your primary MLM)....the how is helped along by the program's system and training in support of your primary MLMs concept. Keep in mind you should definitely use whatever approach your company trains to (phone scripts, emails, direct mail, etc.). You combine the specific leads system, tools, and training with your company specific marketing approach.

The best leads are fresh, non-shared (exclusive), double opt-in, pre-surveyed leads. You want leads 48 hours old or less, not 30-90 days. You also want leads that aren't sold to a gazillion other folks. Just how receptive do you think they'll be to you if you're the 99th person to contact them? You also want people who've expressed a DEFINITE interest, not those responding to a free offer or sweepstakes ploy.

Also look at what tools the program makes available for you. For example, do they have autoresponders with unlimited capability? Are the leads easily importable via CVS format? Do they also provide you a generic lead prospecting site explaining the concept of a home business that you can use to supplement you're company marketing tools....and to generate your own leads if you wish (nice ice breaker)?

Training is another important factor. Do they consistently share practical, tested, from experience tips designed to show you exactly how to use a leads program to build a business? For example, will they even "tweek" your email series live on training calls (mine does, that impressed me). In short does the training allow you and your group to create a duplicable approach?

Plus, PLEASE understand that it takes time. You need to honestly and aggressively work a leads program for at least 6 months . If you're not commited to that stay away. In fact, if you're that impatient Network Marketing isn't for you anyway.

The bottom line of all these tidbits is this.

Be smart...find a program that fits your criteria per the above comments. Then plug in your group and GET TO WORK!

Michael is Moderator for and the owner of FreedomFire Communications. You can get more MLM tips, wit, and wisdom from Michael at

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